Okay here's the deal. Josh and I have thrown down the gauntlet over at Mojizu.com. Josh's and mine. We thought it would be fun to do a group of moji's that use the same basic body shape and are in the same family group. In this case that family the gremlin gimmick. Try and use the same body shape and the same pose but obviously as you see with Josh's and my own they can vary some. Mine is mid jump, his is anchored to the ground. So have some fun with it, we did. Also, please name the moji family: gimmicks. That way we all know it is part of this little experiment. Let us know if you have any questions. We check this throughout the day.
Kill it!
Great, was just reading over at Mojizu about your call for gremlins, and here you are kindly posting this.
Great stuff.
Hullo there!
Mine is quite different to the ones by you guys... and it somehow sort of morphed into a monkeygirl along the way, you know how these things can happen. But the basic shape in is in there somewhere :)
Monkeygirl Gremlin Thing
This is sweet... Love it. Nice work. You gonna post it at Mojizu.com? Hope you do. This is great!
Awesome gremlin domestica, very cool! I hope we get the chance to battle it out on moji, thanks for joining in.
I want to see that Monkeygirl Gremlin Thing up on the Mojizu site soon! grrrreat work!
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