This just in...
The War continues to rage at Mojizu.com and their appears to be no end in site. Save for one awesome Gimmick Gremlin, DemonsHead.
The SuperMatch
Joshua Janes has, yet again, created a Super-Moji that seems to be annihilating the competition. Leaving no survivors. This week DemonsHead is taking on Barb IQ Kingbot by Ronchhon, Ronchhon's Moji's have proven to be very difficult competitors in the past. Garnishing many, many votes for his popular Moji's. It's tough match but this reporter thinks that DemonsHead will overcome the Kingbot. Setting up a much deserved walk down Moji-Champ row! Good Luck Yolkum!
Round 3
The Gimmick Gremlin, Gremlin Octopoda by Kevin Myers battles The Opinion by talented artist, Frolix8. The Opinion has moved through his previous matches with ease. This battle sets up to be a very grueling match, with a clear victory not visible until the very last minutes of the war.
Round 2
Kieron the Fallen By Kevin Myers takes on Walomo by Lomp. Walomo is a very strong Moji who is sure to give Kieron a run for his money.
Also, in Round 2 is Gimmick Gremlin, Beagle Puss by newcomer and painter extraordinaire Nathan Janes, a.k.a. PopArf. His Beagle Puss is taking on Madic by Lemonhead. This is going to be a really tough match. Both Moji's are extremely strong. This one could either way.
Round 1
Eshel the Fire of God takes on MooMooz by Ronchhon. Good Luck Eshel, your gonna need it.
And there ya have it.
I am wartime reporter, Snap Skirmish, and this has been This Week at War!!!... Get out the vote!
Demon'sHead© Joshua Janes 2006. Eshel the Fire of God, Kieron the Fallen, Gremlin Octopoda© Kevin Myers 2006. Beagle Puss© Nathan Janes 2006. All Rights Reserved.
All other characters © their respective owners. All Rights Reserved
DemonsHead and the gang are in full battle mode!
There's carnage everywhere man!
I wish you all the best for another victory!
Hey thanks Big-Maow... We can't wait to unleash the next Gimmick on Mojizu!
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